Sat-Sun, 23rd- 24th December, 2024

2nd International Conference

Organised by: Mechanical Engineering Section, University Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh

In Collaboration with:The Institution of Engineers (India), Aligarh Local Centre, Aligarh

Topic:"Recent Advancement in Materials, Design, and Manufacturing"(ICRAMDM-2023)
Chief Guest: Prof. Mohammad Gulrez
Vice Chancellor, AMU, ALigarh
Guest of Honor: Prof. D. P. Agrawal
Ex-Chairman UPSC, Prof. IIT Delhi
Prof. Pradeep Kr. Jha
Dept. of Mech. & Ind. Engg. IIT Roorkee
Prof. S.S. Dhami
NITTTR, Chandigarh

Venue: Mechanical Engineering Section, Univarsity Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh

Tue-Wed, 24th- 25th January, 2023

Two-Day Workshop

Organised by: University Women’s Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh

In Association with:The Institution of Engineers (India), Aligarh Local Centre, Aligarh

Topic:"Entrepreneurs Skills for Women Empowerment"
Chief Guest: Prof. M. Altamush Siddiqui
Dean Faculty of Engineering & Technology, AMU, Aligarh
Guest of Honor: Er. J. K.Varshney
Honorary Secretary, IE (I) Aligarh Local Centre, Aligarh

Venue: Assembly Hall, Women’s Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh

Sat-Sun 17th-18th December 2022

Two-Day National Seminar

Organised by: The Institution of Engineers (India), Aligarh Local Centre, Aligarh

In collaboration with: J. K. Cement Ltd., Conschem Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Agra, and APGCE India, ALC


Topic:"Smart Cities- Initiative and Challenges"
Chief Guest: Prof. S.H.Mohsin
Director General, Shivdan Singh Institute of Technology and Management, Aligarh
Guest of Honor: Shree Pradeep Kumar Singhal
Director, Ramway Foods Ltd. Bharatri, G. T. Road Aligarh
Convener: Er. Navin Kumar Garg, MIE
Past Honorary Secretary The Institution of Engineers (India), ALC, Aligarh

Venue: Assembly Hall, Women’s Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh

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